Monday, December 23, 2013

Chapter 8: Structures

8.1 Introduction

A structure is a collection of one or more than one variable, possibly of different data type, grouped together under a single name for convenient handling. Thus, a structure might contain integer elements, floating-point elements and character elements. Structure helps to organize data especially in large programs, because they provide group of variables of different data type to be treated as a single unit.

For making, usefulness of structure more clear let us consider an example. In an organization an employee’s details (i.e. name, address, designation, salary etc.) have to be maintained. Once possible method would be to create a multi dimensional array to contain all employee details. But this is not possible because the variables are of different data type i.e. name is of type char, salary is of type float and so on. Hence, the simple solution is the structure. We should be clear about array and structures.

Structure declarations are some what more complicated than array declarations, since a structure must be defined in terms of its individual members. In general terms, the composition of a structure may be defined

struct tag
            member 1;
            member 2;
            member n;

Where, struct is a required keyword;
            tag is a name that identifies structure of this type;
            and member 1, member 2, ……., member n are individual member declarations.

Note: There is no formal distinction between a structure definition and a structure declaration; the terms are used interchangeably.

The individual members can be ordinary variables, pointers, arrays, or other structures. The member names within a particular structure must be distinct from one another, though a member name can be the same as the name of variable that is defined outside of the structure. A storage class, however can not be assigned to an individual member, and individual members cannot be initialized within a structure type declaration.

Declaration of a Structure variable
A structure variable is a variable of a structurte type. Once the structure has been defined, individual structure-type variable can be declared as follows:
            storage-class struct tag variable 1,variable 2,……………,variable n;
Where, storage-class is an optional storage class specifier,
            struct is a required keyword
            tag is the name of the structure
            and variable 1, variable 2,……, variable n are the structure variables of type tag.
            struct account
               int acc_no;
               char acc_type;
               char name[80];
               float balance;
struct account oldcustomer,newcustomer;

The structure is named account (i.e. the tag is account). It contains four members: an integer quantity(acc_no), a single character(acc_type), an 80 element character array(name[80]), and a floating point quantity(balance).
We can now declare the structure variables oldcustomers and newcustomers as follows:
            struct account oldcustomer,newcustomer;
It is possible to combine the declaration of structure with that of structure variables as shown below:
            Storage-class struct tag
               member 1;
               member 2;
               memebr n;
            }variable1, variable2, …, variable n;
The tag is optional in this situation.
            struct account
              int acc_no;
              char acc_type;
              char name[80];
              float balance;

    int acc_no;
   char acc_type;
               char name[80];
               float balance;
When a structure variable such as newcustomer is declared, the compiler automatically allocates sufficient memory to accommodate all of its members.
struct book
   char name[20];
   float price;
   int pages;
struct book b1,b2,b3;
main( )
 printf("\nEnter names,Price,and No of Pages of 3 books\n");

 printf("\nThis is what you entered");
This program demonstrates two fundamental aspects of structures:
            Declaration of a structure
            Accessing of a structure elements

Note the following points while declaring a structure type:
a)The closing brace in the structure type declaration must be followed by a semicolon.
b)It is important to understand that  a structure type declaration does not tell the compiler to reserve any space in memory. All a structure declaration does is, it defines the form of the structure.
c)Usually structure type declaration appears at the top of the source code file, before any variables or functions are defined. In very large programs they are usually put in a separate header file, and the file is included (using the preprocessor directive  #include) in whichever program we want to use this structure type.

Accessing of Structure elements
Structure use a dot(.) operator to access individual elements. The structure variable name followed by a period and the member name references that individual member. The general form for accessing a member of a structure is
            structure-name. member-name
So to refer to pages of the structure defined in our sample program we have to use.
Similarly, to refer to price we should use,
So,to print the name of book we can write
            printf("The book's name is %s",;

Initializing Structures
Like primary variables and arrays, structure variables can also be initialized where they are declared. The format used is quite similar to that used to initialize arrays.
struct book
              char name[20];
  float price;
              int pages;
struct book b1={"Basic",130.00,550};
struct book b2={"Math",150.50,800};

Structure Assignment
The information contained in one structure may be assigned to another structure of the same type using a single assignment statement. That is, you do not need to assign the value of each member separately. The following program illustrates structure assignments:


   int a;
   int b;

  y=x; //Assign one structure to another

8.2 Nested structures
Nested structures are structures within structure. Let us construct two different structures and consolidates it into single nested structures.

Example 1
struct employee
    char name[20];
    int emp_code;
    char designation[20];
    float salary;
} emp1, emp2;
struct emp_address
    int no;
    char street[15];
    char area[20];
} address1;

These two structures can be consolidated as
struct employee
    char name[20];
    struct emp_address
        int no;
        char street[15];
        char area[20];
    } address1;

    int emp_code;
    char designation[20];
    float salary;
} emp1, emp2;

Example 2:We can also tag names to define inner structures
struct date
  int month;
  int day;
  int year;
struct account
  int acc_no;
  char acc_type;
  char name[80];
  float balance;
  struct date lastpayment;

If a structure member is itself a structure, then a member of the embedded structure can be accessed by writing
e.g. customers.lastpayment.month

Example 3:A sample to demonstrate nesting of structure

struct address
   char phone[15];
   char city[25];
   int citycode;

struct emp
   char name[25];
   struct address a;
void main()
   int i;
   struct emp e={"Jack","54515","KTM",101};

Example 4:
#include <stdio.h>
struct add
    int door_no;
    char street[10];
    char place[10];
    int pin;

struct student
    char name[10];
    int roll_no;
    struct add address;

    struct student stud;
    printf("Enter the name of the student:");
    printf("Enter the roll no. of the student:");
    printf("Enter the door no.:");
    printf("Enter the street name:");
    printf("Enter the area name:");
    printf("\nThe student's details are....\n");
    printf("\nThe name is %s",;
    printf("\nThe roll no is %s",stud.roll_no);
    printf("\nThe door no is %d",stud.address.door_no);
    printf("\nThe area name is %s",;
    printf("\nThe street name is %s",stud.address.street);
It is also permissible to nest more than one type of structures.
            struct personal_record
               struct name_part name;
               struct address_part address;
               struct date_aprt dateofbirth;
            struct personal_record personal;
The first member of this structure is name which is of the type name_part. Similarly other members have their own structure types.

8.3 Array of structures
Since we can create an array of any valid type, it is possible to define an array of structure also; i.e. an array in which each element is a structure. To create the array of structures, you must first define a structure and then declare an array variable of that type. For example, to declare a 100-element array of structures of type books, you can write
            struct book b1[100];
This creates 100 sets of variables that are organized as defined in the structure book.
To access a specific structure, index the structure name. For example, to print  the price of structure 3, write
Like  all array variables, arrays of structures begin indexing at 0.

Example: To demonstrate arrays of structures

struct marks
  int english;
  int math;
  int computer;
  int total;

void main()
  int i;
  static struct marks student[3]={ {50,70,91,0},{75,55,72,0},{54,41,72,0}};
 printf("\n%d\t\t%d\t\t%d",student[i].english,student[i].math,student[i].computer,   student[i].total);

Example: Storing book information using structure

struct book
  char name[20];
  float price;
  int pages;
void main()
  int i;
    printf("\n Enter Name, Price, and Pages:");
This provides space in memory for 100 structures of the type structure book. In an array of structures all elements of the array are stored in adjacent memory locations. Since each element of this array is a structure, and since all structure elements are always stored in adjacent locations you can visualize the arrangement of array of structures in memory.
e.g. b[0]'s name, price, and pages in memory would be immediately followed by b[1]'s name, price, and pages, and so on.

Note that the array is declared just as it would have been, with any other array. Since student is an array, we use the usual array-accessing methods to access individual elements and then the member operator to access members.
struct employee
    char name[20];
    char roll_no[5];
    int salary;
} emp [5];

The above declaration defines five instances of the variable emp of the type struct employee. They could be initialized in this manner.

struct employee
    char name[20];
    char roll_no[5];
    int salary;
} emp [5] =    {               {"james","e01", 2000},
                                    {"Jerry","e02", 4100},
                                    {"Sheryl","e03", 2500},
                                    {"Vicky","e04", 5000}
Actually size need not to be specified, because the initialization by itself will determine the size. In above initialization part, every particular employee’s details have been enclosed in braces. This is not necessary, but it improves the clarity of code. In case a member is not be initialized, the value for it can be omitted. Assume the name and salary of the employee is not known; the declaration will be as follows.
{   ,”e06”,   }
In case any member of structure can be accessed using the index number along with the structure name. For e.g., if he/she wants to print the name of the first employee,

printf (“The name of the first employee is %s”, emp [0].name);

User-Defined datatype
C language provides the opportunity to define new datatype equivalent to the existing system using the typedef statement. Let us take an example. The declaration would be

typedef struct add
            int dd;
            int mm;
            int yyyy;
dob emp_date_of_birth;

The above declaration variable emp_date_of_birth has now become the type of structure add.

8.4 Structures and functions
C supports the passing of structure values as arguments of functions. There are three methods by which the values of a structure can be transferred from one function to another.
The first method is to pass each member of the structure as an actual argument of the function call. The actual arguments are then treated independently like ordinary variables. This is the most elementary method and becomes unmanageable and inefficient when the structure size is large.
The second method involves passing of a copy of the entire structure to the called function. Since the function is working on a copy of the structure, any changes to structure members within the function are not reflected in the original structure(in the calling function). It is, therefore, necessary for the function to return the entire structure back to the calling function. All compilers may not support this method of passing the entire structure as a parameter.
The third method employs a concept called pointer to pass the structure as an argument. In this case, the address location of the structure is passed to the called function. The function can access indirectly the entire structure and work on it. This is similar to the way arrays are passed to the functions. This method is more efficient as compared to the second one.

1. Passing Structure Members to Functions
When you pass a member of a structure to a function, you are actually passing the value of that member to the function.
            struct fred
              char x;
              int y;
              float z;
              char s[10];
Here are examples of each member being passed to function
function(mike.x); //Passes character value of x
            function1(mike.y); //Passes integer value of y
            function2(mike.z); //Passes float value of z
            function3(mike.s) //Passes address of string s
            function4(mike.s[2]); //Passes character value of s[2]

If you wish to pass the address of an individual structure member, put the & operator before the structure name
function(&mike.x); //Passes address of character x
            function1(&mike.y); //Passes address of integer y
function2(&mike.z); //Passes address of float z
            function3(mike.s) //Passes address of string s
            function4(&mike.s[2]); //Passes address of character s[2]
Remember that the & operator preceds the structure name, but not the individual member name.

2. Passing Entire Structures to Functions
When a structure is used as an argument to a function, the entire structure is passed using the standard call-by-value method. This means that any changes made to the contents of the structure inside the function to which it is passed do not affect the structure used as an argument.
When using a structure as a parameter, remember that the type of the argument  must match the type of the parameter. For example, in the following program both the argument arg and the parameter parm are declared as the same type of structure.

Example 1:
struct test
  int a,b;
  char ch;
void function(struct test parm);
main( )
  struct test arg;
void function(struct test parm)

Example 2:


 typedef struct
  char name[20];
  int price;
  int quantity;

stores update(stores product,int p,int q)
float mul(stores stock)
void main( )
 float value;
 int p_increment,q_increment;
 static stores item={"XYZ",25,12};
 printf("\nInput increment values:");
 printf("price increment and quantity increment\n");
 printf("Update values of item\n\n");
 printf("Name               %s\n",;
 printf("Price                %d\n",item.price);
 printf("Quantity          %d\n",item.quantity);
 printf("\n Value of the item=%f\n",value);

8.5 Structure and Pointer
( Refer next chapter )

8.6 Unions
Unions have the same relationship to structures. Both structures and unions are used to group a number of variables of different data type together. But the difference is that the structure enables us to reserve a separate place in memory for every individual member of the structure. Whereas with union, it enables to reserve the definite place in memory and use it for all members of the unions. This implies that, although a union may contain many members of different types, it can handle only one member at a time.
In unions while deciding the size of the memory to reserved, it will reserve the memory space equals to size occupied by the union member with data type that has highest precision. i.e. if there is union with two data members of type int, float. Here, since float has higher precision, union will occupy the memory space of byte.
Like structures, a union can be declared using the keyword union as follows:
            union item
              int m;
              char c;
              float x;
union course
    int major;
    char minor[10];

struct student
    char name[20];
    int rollno;
    union course course_no;

    char c_name;
    printf("Enter the name of the student:");
    printf("Enter the roll no of the student:");
    printf("Enter the course('M' for major or 'm' for minor)");
        printf("The course('1'or '2')?");

        printf("Enter the name of the course:");
    printf("\nPress any key to exit...");


How is the structure different from an array?

Ø      An array can hold multiple elements of same data type whereas a structure can hold multiple elements of different data types
Ø      The component element of an array is referenced by the array name and the index value e.g. name[3],  a[5] etc where as component element of a structure is referenced by the structure name and the element name e.g., etc.

      Differentiate between Structure and Union

Members of a structure doesn't share space
Members of a union share space
Don’t' Conserves storage
Conserves storage
Each and every data member defined can be accessed whenever it has been defined.
Only the last data member defined can be accessed
Each data member will occupy its own size finally the size of the strcture in the sum of the total memory occupied by each member.
The size required by a union variable is the size required by the member requiring the largest size
Specially designed to create own data type or typically used to create simple database.
Specially designed to handle or control the hardware operation.
struct book{int id;
                    char name[10];

union selection{
                        char major[10];
                        char minor[15];

End of Chapter Eight
[ Note: If you have any problems regarding this then you can post the problem in comment box. we will try to solve this here. Or if you know any solution, you can also help :) ]

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